Garden Catalogs 2021--Territorial Seed

Garden Catalogs 2021--Territorial Seed
The Territorial Seed catalog is one of my favorites. This is really hard to beat. The index is located in one of the first few pages.

Much of the catalog is devoted to edible crops. However, this also features many kinds of flowers as well as some other ornamentals as well.

In addition, Territorial Seed is a great choice for all sorts of gardening supplies, mushroom kits, aids, fertilizers, seed starting items, containers, and many other kind of essential gardening items. They even sell beneficial insects and live red worms for composting.

Gardeners can place orders by phone, fax, online, and by regular mail.

Some of the new varieties for 2021 are presented on the back cover as well as on the first page. These include Red Candy lingonberry, the Shock Wave Purple Tie Dye petunia, Lemon Squash, Red Thumb potato, and Moroccan Sun Rudbeckias.

This is a huge catalog with over 150 pages, much of which is devoted to edibles. Going through this catalog is a pleasurable activity for those snowy days like my area is experiencing right now. Here are some of the surprises I found in the catalog.

First, this was the last place I expected to find citrus and olive plants, but there they are. In addition, Territorial also sells other kinds of fruits, including prickly pear, gojiberry, kiwi, mulberry, huckleberry, various kinds of brambles, pawpaw, and other hardy fruits. The Nantahala raspberry, the loganberry, and the Columbia Star blackberry are all new for 2021.

Territorial Seed also sells flower seed mixes, seeds of cover crops, and various kinds of grains. They also list many kinds of herbs. Some herb plants are available as well. Simply Herbs Rosemary is available as multi-seed pellets, which are easier to sow than ordinary rosemary seeds. I found it amazing that this catalog even lists seeds of American ginseng.

Seeds of certain varieties are available either as pelleted seeds, seed tape, seed disks, or seed mats. An entire section is devoted to these items. In addition, plants are available for certain varieties. Just look for the special symbol indicating the transplants that are listed.

The Territorial Seed catalog lists various kinds of root crops. These choices include onions, shallot, and garlic sets or bulbs, turmeric root, horseradish, wasabi root, and many kinds of seed potatoes. Sweet potato plants are also available. One unusual item I found was yacon, a tuber that is related to the Jerusalem artichoke.

The Territorial Seed catalog contains lots of basic how-to details for each species or type of plant. This is one item that I look for in catalogs because it helps to educate gardeners. As an example, look at the beginning of the tomato listings, and you will find lots of information that will help new gardeners to succeed in growing the plants.

For each variety, this has an in-depth profile with days to harvest, etc. There are complete details for growing each crop as well as information on harvest, storing, uses, and the like.

Look for the handy symbols given in the listings to help identify varieties that can be grown in pots, varieties that can be used for culinary purposes or teas, and the recommended exposure from full sun to full shade. Symbols also indicate which varieties are available as transplants.

Heirloom varieties are identified by the clock face symbol. Organic varieties are also identified by symbols along with the open pollinated varieties and those that are available as pelleted seeds.

The vegetables are pretty much listed A to Z. The flowers are mostly A to Z by common name as well.

This catalog seems to have lots and lots of varieties for each kind of plant, especially edibles. For example, there are seven pages of beans, four pages of corn, four pages of cucumbers, six pages of squash, five pages of peppers, and four pages of onions.

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